Thesis Supervision
In order to start a thesis, it is necessary to have the agreement of a thesis supervisor who is qualified to direct research (HDR) and is attached to the BioSPC doctoral school. A co-director of the thesis must also have the HDR and be attached to the BioSPC ED.
Exceptions for thesis co-directors:
CIFRE theses where the co-director is part of the socio-economic world, and cotutelles when the codirector belongs to the partner university. In this case, the co-directors are validated by the ED Directorate based on a CV and a list of publications of the co-director. These cases constitute individual derogations.
Supervision rate of an HDR attached to BioSPC
An HDR can supervise or co-supervise up to 2 theses simultaneously.
Each direction counts for 1 and each co-direction counts for 1. With the exception of cotutelle doctoral students : they count for 0,5 and a supervision of 2,5 is only allowed in this case.
HDR from BioSPC and requesting a PhD student from ED FIRE
In the case of an HDRs affiliated to the BioSPC ED and requesting in parallel a thesis direction in the FIRE doctoral school with derogatory status (ED n° 474). In this case, 3 doctoral students are allowed in the two doctoral schools.
If you do not have HDR
A professor or a researcher whose team is attached to the BioSPC doctoral school can take part in thesis supervision until his HDR is defended.
If a co-mentor (co-encadrant) belongs to a team attached to the ED, he/she can become the director of the thesis by obtaining the HDR in the first two years of the PhD program (this change of direction is only effective once approved by the doctoral school).
Under certain conditions, it is possible for a non-HDR to supervise a thesis by requesting an Authorization to supervise a thesis (ADT):
- No more than one ADT can be granted per teacher-researcher;
- It is necessary to obtain the ADT in order to register the doctoral student. It is recommended to apply for the ADT about 2 to 3 months before the planned registration date;
- ADT applications undergo three stages of evaluation: the doctoral school (1), the doctoral school college office (2), and the faculty research commission;
- Once the ADT is approved, a decree formalizing the ADT will be issued by the CR and sent to the ADT candidate by the CED.
Please note that the official approval of the ADT is mandatory to submit a project for the doctoral school competition. It is recommended to start the process as early as December-January to be eligible to submit a project during the competition.
Thesis co-direction is possible in these three cases :
- If both co-directors are from Université Paris Cité: a request for co-direction must be made. The form must be signed by both co-directors and sent to the manager in charge of the department to which they are attached.
- If one supervisor is from Université Paris Cité and the other is from another French university, a thesis co-supervision agreement must be drawn up.
- If one supervisor is from Université Paris Cité and the other is from a foreign university, an international thesis co-supervision agreement must be drawn up between the two universities. The thesis always remains a Université Paris Cité thesis, unlike an “international cotutelle”, where the diploma is awarded by two institutions.
Change the PhD supervisor
The PhD student’s thesis direction can be changed only during the first two years of the program (D1 and D2). It can be either a change of Thesis Director or the addition of a co-director.
It is mandatory to inform the Doctoral School’s administrative staff of any change in the direction of the thesis in order to take into account the modifications.
For any change in the direction of a thesis, please send the request to your department Manger.
The file is composed of:
- Request form to change the direction of a thesis
- A letter explaining the reasons behind this request