Thesis Defense


You have made good progress on your research paper and you plan to defend your thesis soon?

Click here for more information!


The thesis defense is the culmination of years of hard work, patience, and success!

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Draft schedules for defenses:

For a defense during the first three weeks of September

Please refer to the tentative calendar.

For a defense taking place between September 18 and October 31

Deadline for submitting the jury for the approval of the Graduate School’s direction: July 1, 2024.

For a defense scheduled between November 1 and December 15

The thesis defense procedure must be initiated at least three months prior to the planned defense date.

For a defense taking place between December 16 and December 31

Your defense process must be initiated no later than September 16.

Important: No defense-related documents will be signed or processed after December 17.

Rules for the Composition of the Thesis Defense Jury at the BioSPC Graduate School:

Article 18 of the new decree of May 25, 2016, governs the composition of thesis juries. In practice, the following rules apply to jury composition for BioSPC:

The jury must consist of 4 to 8 members (excluding invited guests, of whom there may be up to 2).

The rapporteurs must be qualified to supervise research.

Both rapporteurs must be external to BioSPC and Université Paris Cité. Researchers from the Pasteur Institute are considered internal members of Université Paris Cité.

Care must be taken to avoid over-representation of any external institution.

In the case of joint supervision agreements with another institution, jury members affiliated with the partner institution are considered internal members.

At least 50% of jury members must be external to BioSPC and Université Paris Cité.

At least one member of the jury must belong to Université Paris Cité.

At least 50% of the jury members must be professors or equivalent.

The jury president is elected by the jury and must be a professor or equivalent.

Emeritus professors or equivalents cannot act as presidents but may serve as rapporteurs. The jury may include a maximum of one emeritus member.

Members of the CSI committees may not serve as presidents or rapporteurs but can be examiners or invited guests.

Efforts must be made to achieve gender parity (difference between the number of men and women ≤ 2).

The thesis director is always considered an internal member, even if affiliated with another institution.

It is strongly recommended to review the detailed note on jury composition and the selection of rapporteurs.

Test the composition of your thesis committee with this simulatorr !


All information regarding thesis confidentiality and embargoes is available on the University’s website.


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