The ED management
The doctoral school is under the management of two directors assisted by a board of department directors. This committee gathers the eight department co-directors and meets once every two months. All decisions that do not require an opinion from the Doctoral School Board and requests for advisory opinions are handled at this level.
Given the constant need for immediate decisions, the eight directors through email exchanges handle matters that require urgent resolution. These decisions are then approved by the next directors’ Board meeting.
This highly efficient organization ensures a rapid decision-making process as well as short delays in replying to PhD teams and students.
BioSPC Board
Jean-Sébastien Silvestre (département BCMPP)
Catherine Chaussain (département BCMPP)
Chantal Desdouets ( département DGNRV)
Jonathan Weitzman (département DGNRV)
Jean-Pierre Couty (département Immuno)
Sylvain Latour (département Immuno)
Clarisse Berlioz (département IM)
Isabelle Martin-Verstraete (département IM)
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