Missions and objectives
The doctoral school is in charge of accompanying, monitoring and guiding you during your doctorate. It has very specific missions, such as
- Recruits PhD students (through an entrance exam and by auditions outside of the exam)
- Ensures the coordination of the various hosting teams
- Provides information to PhD students and their supervisors (legal framework concerning the PhD, courses, entrance exams)
- Assists PhD students regarding their academic procedures (registration, thesis defense)
- Monitors PhD students ( individual monitoring committees, mid-term audition, mediation in case of conflict)
- Helps PhD students to plan their future career paths
- Promotes scientific exchanges between PhD students through the doctoral school’s forums
- Organizes professional and transversal training programs for PhD students
Notre engagement?
Vous protéger, orienter et suivre jusqu’à votre succès.
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Here are some concrete guidelines on how the BioSPC doctoral school can help you:
- PhD applications
- Training portfolio
- Mid-thesis monitoring
- Individual thesis monitoring
- International mobility
- Thesis defense