Immuno Department
The IMMUNO department hosts 51 research teams located throughout the Université Paris Cité research sites: institut Pasteur, institut Cochin, Bichat, Necker, institut Curie, les Cordeliers, CHU Robert Debré, HEGP etc.
152 HDR are part of this department and will supervise 131 PhD students in 2022. The research subjects are quite varied, covering Molecular Immunology, Immunopathology and Cellular Immunology.
Department Management
The Immuno department is co-directed by Pr. Couty and Dr. Latour, and administratively supported by a department manager.
For all administrative matters concerning this department, please contact
Pr. Jean-Pierre Couty
Professor of Immunology, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, UMRS Inserm 1138, Equipe ‘Proliferation, Stress and liver physiopathology’
15 Rue de L’école de Médecine; 75006 Paris. Contact:
Dr. Sylvain Latour
DR-CNRS, Institut Imagine, Equipe Activation Lymphocytaire et Susceptibilité à l’EBV
24 boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 PARIS -France. Contact:
Departement Office
Agnes Lehuen (Institut Cochin)
Anne Puel ( Institut Imagine)
Antoine Toubert ( Saint Louis)
Antonino Nicoletti (Bichat)
Armelle Blondel (Institut Cochin)
Benedicte Manoury (INEM)
Christian Vosshenrich (Institut Pasteur)
Clotilde Randriamampita (Institut Cochin)
Corinne Miceli ( Institut Pasteur )
Corinne Tanchot (PARCC)
Darragh Duffy (Institut Pasteur)
Emmanuelle Jouanguy (Institut Imagine)
Frederic Rieux-Laucat (Institut Imagine)
Gilles Dadaglio (Institut Pasteur)
Jean Pierre Couty (Cordeliers)
Jean-Michel Sallenave (Bichat)
Lars Rogge (Institut Pasteur)
Laurence Bataillle (Institut Curie)
Marie Le Borgne-Moynier (Bichat)
Nicolas Charles ( Bichat)
Pamela Schnupf (INEM)
Sylvain Latour (Institut Imagine)
Xavier Lahaye (Institut Curie)