The BioSPC doctoral school is organizing its annual forum on November 30 and December 1, 2023 at the Paxton Resort à Férrières-en-Brie.

This year’s forum is once again organized entirely by the doctoral school’s student representatives. Oral presentations and poster sessions are organized by theme, where doctoral students present their works and results.

The program for the BioSPC-2023 Forum

This forum is very instructive for participants and provides an opportunity to meet other doctoral students from the school, including their representatives This participation is taken into account in the doctoral training program to the extent of 15 hours of training validated for an oral presentation or a poster in the training portfolio.

Forum organizers (doctoral student representatives) will validate 30 hours of training.

You are a doctoral student and have not received an e-mail explaining how to register ? Please contact your department manager for further information:

  • Department of Development, Genetics, Reproduction, Neurobiology and Aging Department (DGRNV):
  • Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Physiology and Pathophysiology (BCMPP):
  • Department of Infectiology and Microbiology (IM):
  • Department of Immunology (IMMUNO):

Une question?

contactez les représentants des doctorants:

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