Communicate with us

You can get in touch with the Doctoral School and interact with each other in various ways listed below.

For contacting the central administrative services, see the bottom of the page.

By Email

If you wish to contact the Doctoral School’s management:

If you wish to contact the manager of your department:

You may also contact your department directors — sparingly!! — at the following:





By Telephone

 +33 (0) 1 57 27 82 23  and +33 (0) 1 57 27 82 22 

By Mailing List

You can send a general email to these lists. However, these lists are moderated by the Doctoral School. This means a moderator must approve emails before distribution, which might take more time. You may not necessarily be notified if your email is rejected. Important: When replying to an email sent via this channel, your reply will be sent to everyone on the list, and a moderator may block its distribution without it being processed by us! Use the generic emails if you need clarification about an email distributed via this channel.

Doctoral Student Lists

Thesis Directors (HDR) Lists

Student Representatives List

CSI Referees List (All Institutes)


On Discord

We host a Discord server where announcements are posted, and you can ask general-interest questions. This is not necessarily the best channel for a quick response from us but should be preferred for questions of general interest:


Via Social Media Managed by Student Representatives and You

This is primarily a mode of interaction among doctoral students rather than between doctoral students and the Doctoral School:




Don’t forget the alumni association: BioSPCommunity (contact via


Central Administrative Services (NB: External to BioSPC)