
Recherche ou innovation ? Pourquoi choisir avec les thèses CIFRE ?
Les thèses CIFRE permettent de concilier recherche académique et applications industrielles. Découvrez comment ce dispositif unique transforme les défis de la recherche en solutions innovantes au sein des entreprises. 👉 Lire l’article complet sur The...
Welcome Day for New Doctoral Students and Their Supervisors (HDR)
Every year, at the end of the registration campaign, the BioSPC Doctoral School organizes a half-day welcome session for new entrants to introduce the school and the events that will shape the PhD journey. This day aims to provide a better understanding of the...competition
You can apply for the competition by following https://ed562.u-paris.fr/cd-vue-etudiant/ The list of projects proposed for the competition by our HDRs is available online: projets.. Download the application form for the 2024 competition. The application deadline is...