Conflict Management and Mediation

The Doctoral School plays a central role in the management of conflicts regarding doctoral students. In case a major conflict is not resolved easily within the research unit, it is important to notify the Doctoral School immediately, so that an official mediation procedure can be launched.

But the ED BioSPC is not the only way of recourse. These conflicts may concern scientific integrity, ethics, harassment or discrimination.

Doctoral students and supervisors can mobilize these recourses.

At the BioSPC ED level

The doctoral school’s administrative staff

The doctoral school’s administrative team is at your disposal to listen and guide you.

You can come and see us during office opening hours, call us, arrange face-to-face meetings, etc.

Doctoral school management

You can contact the doctoral school management: either by contacting the department co-directors, or by contacting the school co-directors: : Contact Page.

Department offices

They are made up of researchers who are particularly involved in the life of the ED. They are used to dealing with conflict situations, and can act as local points of contact for doctoral students and supervisors alike. Board members are listed on the pages describing each department.

Doctoral school student representatives

Doctoral student representatives are very active in the life of the school, and some of them are members of the ED Council, so they are close to your concerns.
To contact the doctoral student representatives :

Your institute’s CSI referents

Each Institute within the BioSPC perimeter has named one or more CSI referents who can provide you with help and advice. You’ll find their names in ‘During the PhD’->’Individual monitoring committee’.


At the UP Cité level

Reporting office for violence, harassment, and discrimination

Office for scientific integrity &

At the CNRS level

At the INSERM level

INSERM scientific integrity referents


At the Institut Pasteur level

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